ThecePlay is a marketing and service platform that facilitates and verifies competitions and player achievement in gaming. ThecePlay is a partnership between Thece and Twin Galaxies.
If you have any issues or errors along the way, please reach out to [email protected]
Twin Galaxies’ Submissions and Adjudication Process utilizes a one-of-a-kind, controlled, and blind “peer review” system to adjudicate and authenticate video game achievement claims. Adjudication remains completely impartial because the Adjudicator can vote YES or NO on whether the submission meets the criteria and that no cheating is identified. Others do not influence the Adjudicator as they cannot access what others have voted, how many votes, or even when voting ends. To read more about this process, click here.
Once a submission is uploaded it will be labeled as “In Process”. From this stage the submission is reviewed and verified for accurately meeting the challenge rules. Once it is determined to fairly meet the criteria of the Challenge, the status will change to “Verified”.
Please refer to the Prizing section of the Challenge for timelines. Most prizing is issued at the end of the challenge after all submissions have been verified. If you still have concerns, please reach out to [email protected].
If your submission is no longer on the leaderboard, it likely means that it didn’t meet the challenge rules. Please check your email for information about your submission and why it was removed. If you do not have an email in your inbox, please reach out to [email protected].